Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (2016) – Welcome Back

After a particularly awful night I’m taking it easy today and, as if by magic, this arrived to give me some comfort while battling my own set of Dementors. The feelings it invokes are a curious mix of nostalgia and childlike excitement. I suppose being a big kid at heart means I’m always able toContinue reading “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (2016) – Welcome Back”

Carrie (2000’s)

First Published: 1974 Edition Published: Late 2000’s Cover Illustration: Getty Images Publisher: Hodder Notes: I never understood why Hodder didn’t publish all King’s books in this format instead of limiting it to a handful. I absolutely love the design on all of them, they have everything – a nice, standard title and author treatment, a neat colour schemeContinue reading “Carrie (2000’s)”


Having spent a stressful day driving a white van (for the first time in my life) over 320 miles yesterday, clipping a car in a car park, dealing with police at a weighbridge to help my colleague, unpacking for a show for 5 hours and getting home at 01:20 this morning I’ve spent most ofContinue reading “Tired”

A Criminal Line Up

I must have read The Black Dahlia about four times, now and I still love it even though I’ve come to see its many flaws. Ellroy had such a knack for hard-boiled dialogue, grotesque characters and dark scenes that I find myself swept along each time I pick it up. These are the first of his booksContinue reading “A Criminal Line Up”